Carl has been renowned for his chili for many years and his other favorite recipe, Pork Roast on a Bed of Potatoes so impressed one of Scott's high school buddies that he asked for the recipe to take home to his mom. Steve later reported that his mom's version didn't turn out nearly as well as Carl's.
We knew that Scott could cook after a neighbor observed him standing in front of our kitchen stove at about age eight, stirring the chocolate pudding he was making. Howard leaned over, looked into the pan, and observed, "Whatcha' making there, Scotty? Chocolate soup?" This episode was followed later by one of Scott's friends exclaiming in horror, "You mean you put eggs in your milkshakes? Yuck!" Scott's matter-of-fact response of "What do you think makes it thick, Dummy?" convinced Mark to drink it and declare it really good.
In case you're wondering how eggs worked their way into our family's milkshake recipe, let's just say that desperate mothers will do almost anything to get nourishing food into the stomach of a picky eater.
Although we have heard that Greg cooks, none of us has seen any real evidence until a couple of weeks ago when the phone rang. "What's for dinner?" (Haven't decided yet.) "Uh, I thought I'd fix dinner tonight." (For EVERYONE?) "Yep." And that sealed the deal.
Above you see concrete evidence that the youngest Atkins Boy can, indeed, cook. He can set the table too. Our menu that evening was roasted marinated pork tenderloin, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Yummy stuff. Dessert was little lime cookies our neighbor, Faye, brought us from her trip to Savannah.
Guess who did the dishes?