Monday, November 24, 2008

Every Boy Needs A Dog

Hundreds of years ago, or perhaps thousands, humans discovered that every boy needs a dog. Since then, little boys everywhere have waged relentless campaigns to convince their parents that this is true.Less than a hundred years ago, it was easy to welcome a new puppy into one's home. Farm life offered lots of room to roam and cozy outbuildings for sleeping. Table scraps were considered appropriate dog food. The only grooming that took place was picking burrs from tangled fur in the fall.

This is not the situation today. Dogs live indoors with their families and are routinely treated to annual physical exams, expensive shots, heartworm and flea preventives, monthly trips to the groomer, and special diets. Leash laws dictate a fenced yard and dogs must learn acceptable indoor habits. Bringing a puppy home is a major life-changing event - especially when parents work outside the home all day.

Nevertheless, Gregory Michael Atkins, at about age six, succeeded in convincing his parents and grandparents he needed a dog. What kind of dog? A black dog that wasn't too big. The end result was a black cocker spaniel named Star Ball (since shortened to Star). It didn't matter that Star was all black with no white stars. She did like playing with balls and she was destined to become the star of all pets.

Star was a surprise. After interviewing several little black dogs, Aunt Judy determined that this particular one passed her test: Didn't try to get away, tolerated being turned on her back, and snuggled up to everyone who held her. Greg's grammy made the necessary arrangements. Greg was nowhere in sight when Star arrived. In fact, when he came downstairs, he took a cursory look at her and said, "Why, hello Bridget," thinking she was the little poodle they sometimes took care of. When told to look again, there was an instant flash of love. MY DOG!

And so she is. Star went where Greg went from that day on but she couldn't follow him to school in Athens. Scott now has custody but Greg comes home every weekend. Star is a little grey around the muzzle, somewhat arthritic, and can no longer hear. A faithful friend and Atkins family member. Every boy needs a dog.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Scott!

At ten minutes after 5:00 p.m. on a certain Thursday, little Aaron Scott Atkins entered this world. Since it was a time before ultrasounds, his gender was a surprise to both parents.

It's a good thing he was a boy because his father was determined to name him Eloise if he'd been a girl while his mother was determined that she would never, under any circumstances, name a daughter of hers Eloise. This was the only unsettled disagreement they'd ever had in their one year and five month long marriage.

Because he was very overdue, his skin was red, wrinkled, and dried out. His hair was stuck to his head like glue the entire time he was in the hospital because of a forceps wound. He never opened his eyes once when he was brought to nurse. One can imagine the thoughts that went through a 20-year-old mother's mind. A comment to the nurse about the fact that he was always asleep brought the response, "That's because he spends all of his time in the nursery crying." As it turned out, no truer words were ever spoken.

But, as usually happens, this tiny, squalling, little ugly duckling turned into the most beautiful, cutest, smartest, best baby that had ever come down the pike the minute they took him home (if only he would sleep). After all these years, he is still the best, most handsome, most loving, smartest son that anyone could ever have. It has been many years since he caused sleepless nights although there were a few anxious moments when he was getting through his teens.

Unlike most American households, the Atkins holiday season doesn't begin with Thanksgiving. Scott's birthday kicks it off, followed by Thanksgiving, Greg's birthday, and then Christmas. The Atkins household has a lot to be thankful for this time of year. One of the best is Aaron Scott Atkins who turned out to be exactly the kind of son that anyone could ever wish for.

Happy Birthday Scott.