It isn't every day that someone gets his or her picture posted on the wall of a restaurant – a celebrity who has eaten in that particular establishment. All of us have seen those autographed pictures displayed for patrons to admire while they dine on food that, presumably, the celebrity enjoyed.
Readers of this blog know all about Greg's 1967 Barracuda, lovingly restored by his dad with help from Greg. It is Greg's prize possession. This Viper Red muscle car has won several awards in antique car shows around town but never the coveted First Prize.
Last Saturday Greg took his car to the latest Mopar competition sponsored by the Georgia Mopar Club. And the winner of the very best restored classic Mopar car was the one, the only Gregory Michael Atkins with his 1967 Plymouth Barracuda! It was especially gratifying to win first prize because many of the cars had been professionally restored while the Atkins boys' car is a work of art personally accomplished by just the two of them.
This particular show was the very first car show attended by Miss Hannah Oliver who enthusiastically accompanied Greg. There are some people out there who think that Hannah brought them luck – including the two Atkins boys. After all, it never hurts to have a drop-dead gorgeous twenty-year-old sitting next to one's antique car.
So now Greg is immortalized for all time on the wall of the Galaxy Diner in Tucker, Georgia, hosts of the event. If you ever go there, look for his picture. The two younger Atkins boys report that the food is excellent too.