A big chunk of summer has gone past with very few blogs from Lilburn. Suffice it to say that life gets in the way sometimes.
After experiencing a birthday, a tooth extraction, and a painful back problem this month, the senior Atkins boy is finally beginning to feel a little more human. I've chosen to photograph only one these events. As you can see, he is the only one concentrating on his dessert.
One benefit of not feeling well at the Atkins home is that your loving spouse indulges you. This takes many forms. In our house it means special menus on demand (applies only to the male members of the family). This recently led to one of our summer favorites – Fried Green Tomato Sandwiches.
One of the best Fried Green Tomato Sandwiches we've ever eaten is served at the Tamarack rest stop along the turnpike in West Virginia. This is way more than a rest stop. It features gifts from West Virginia's best artists and craftsmen along with a restaurant run by the same people who produce the meals at the 5-star Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs. If you're ever on the West Virginia turnpike, stop at Tamarack. Order the Fried Green Tomato Sandwich.
Here is the Atkins family chef's attempt to reproduce this stellar summer staple:
Make the sauce:
Melt 2 tbsp. butter. Add about 1 tbsp. flour and stir for about 1 minute. Add about 1 cup milk and a little salt. Cook and stir until thickened. Drop in pieces of American cheese and stir until melted. The amount of cheese depends upon how cheesy you want the sauce to be. Try about four slices, torn in pieces.
Prepare the tomatoes:
Slice green tomatoes at least ¼ inch thick. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a little sugar. Let sit about 10 minutes. Dip tomato slices in milk; then in flour; then in beaten egg; then in bread crumbs. Fry in either olive oil or butter - about 3 minutes on each side on medium heat. Tomatoes should be slightly soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside.
Make the sandwiches:
Split good rolls in half (we like Kaiser rolls) and spread with mayonnaise (we like Hellmans). Add the green tomato slices and as much sauce as you like. If you want to be really decadent, add a few bacon slices (fried crisp of course).