Monday, September 5, 2011

Choosing a Career

The youngest Atkins boy finished the last prerequisite for earning his degree in criminal justice this summer. He interned at the Lilburn Police Department where he spent four weeks experiencing the daily life of a police officer. He rode along with a detective, traffic patrol, day patrol and night patrol and loved every minute.

Lilburn is a sleepy little town compared to many of Atlanta's suburbs although it has become less sleepy within the fifteen plus years we've lived here. A career as a police officer is not something any of us envisioned for Greg but it seems to be his heart's desire and, if that is to be so, then Lilburn is much safer than many other places - especially in the Atlanta area.

All of us are proud that Greg finished his internship with the highest evaluation possible and recommendations that he consider applying for a job in Lilburn after graduation. Stay tuned for further developments.