Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Fuzzy

This blog began with the story of Fuzzy – the stray cat who now lives in Scott's van after showing up and refusing to leave.

Well, here you see another Fuzzy having its second meal at the senior Atkins's home.
That thing sticking up on its back is a giant hairball that is just behind the bald spots where it has, presumably, been successful at dislodging more of the same.

This cat has been in the habit of coming by our house periodically to visit Lily Pearl through the window. It was well fed and well groomed when we first saw it last year but we've noticed that it has been looking more and more unkempt lately. About a month ago we began wondering if its owners might have moved away and left it behind. Now we know they did.

A couple of days ago we looked out the window, saw it lying there, and thought it had died in our back yard. Grabbing a handful of cat food, the female of the family cautiously approached and, after coaxing, got the poor thing to raise its head. Leaving the cat food behind, she watched as it ate like there was no tomorrow. Another handful of cat food plus a bowl of water followed, both instantly consumed.

Carl observed that we now have another cat. And then he began watching for it, looking for permanent water and food bowls, and wondering why it didn't hang around. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was disappointed that it might not come back. The senior Atkins Boy does have a soft spot for cats.

The food disappeared yesterday when we weren't looking. Since there are several cats in our neighborhood, we decided to wait and see if this particular cat came back before putting out more food. It was spotted this morning on the fringes of the yard and came part of the way to the porch when called.

So here it is, having another meal at our house. It stops eating and backs off if we get too close so these pictures were taken over the garden gate. It seems that Carl was right. We probably have acquired a second cat without really wanting one.

There's no way we can introduce another cat into the house with our cantankerous Lily Pearl already in residence. I see another customized cat abode with a heated floor in our future. We have all summer to build it and the downstairs back porch is dry. It's better than starving. Maybe by then it will trust us.

And to its heartless former owners, may you someday experience the same fate you imposed on a pet that, undoubtedly, counted on you to take care of it.

If it's still here next week, we will have to give it a name. Any suggestions?