Monday, May 25, 2009

What is Memorial Day?

Today is Memorial Day.

To many, it is a long weekend around which to plan picnics and vacations. The president places a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, now called the Tomb of the Unknowns. There are still a few parades and ceremonies to be found, usually not so well attended. Many people forget the real purpose of this holiday but the Atkins family never will.

Memorial Day has special meaning in our family because the senior Atkins boy witnessed, first hand, the deaths of many brave men when he took part in the landing in France during World War II. It is something he doesn't talk about a lot but when asked whether the movie, Saving Private Ryan, was an accurate depiction of what took place, the answer was yes. When asked what he remembered most he didn't hesitate. He said it was the smell. The activity did not end as the surviving soldiers advanced inland. And, yes, the Navy went ashore too. One doesn't easily forget an experience like that.

Carl was on a landing craft during those terrible days. Their main job was to deliver soldiers and equipment to the beaches and to take on German prisoners as they were captured. The German officers tried to commit suicide by jumping overboard and were promptly shot. Such are the realities of war. Memories like this do not go away.

We are blessed with a grandson who never forgets to honor his grandfather on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. He is mindful of the sacrifices that were made. Here you see Greg and Carl displaying the Navy flag that Greg presented to him this year.

Memorial Day. A day to remember those who didn't live to come home and have a grandson like Greg.